Et ass wichteg dass déi Geräter aussortéiert ginn, déi an ären Tirang, Schief, Späicher vergiess gi sinn.
Déi verloossent Geräter hunn et verdéngt fir néi benotzt oder recycléiert ze ginn.
Dëst einfach Action erlaabt ären Impakt op d’Ëmwelt ze reduzéieren. Andeems Dir är al Apparater op dediéierten Sammelpunkten zeréckginn, revaloriséiert Dir d'Apparater an hëlleft wesentlech Réistoffer ze spueren.
Ni är Geräter an der groer
Poubelle ewechgeheien.
Är Geräter sinn eng richteg Minn vu Materialien, vun deenen verschidden d’Ëmwelt méi staark belaaschte kënne wei anerer. Et ginn och Stoffer, déi absolut net ëmweltfrëndlech sinn, wéi PCB, Quecksëlwer, Cadmium,FCKW vun de Frigoen an nach anerer.
Bei Ecotrel gëtt drun gesuergt, dass déi geféierlech Bestanddeeler richteg entsuergt ginn an déi Bestanddeeler déi valoriséiert kenne ginn erëm an eis Wirtschaft zeréckbruecht ginn.
Vun der Kaffismaschinn bis zur kleng Spillsaachen,
entdeckt wéi eng elektresch an elektronesch Apparater a fro kommen.
Geräten mat
Frigoen, Klimaanlagen, Ueleg Heizungen, etc…
Liichtstofftüben, Energiespuerluuchten, LED-luuchten…
Kleng Geräter
Staubsauger, Mikrowell, Streckeisen, Toaster, Biz, Wecker an Aueren, elektresch an elektronesch Spillsaachen, Sports Equipementer, etc…
Fernsee, Moniteuren, Billerrahmen, Laptoppen,etc …
Grouss Geräter
Wäschmaschinn, Trockner, Spullmaschinn, Kachplack, etc…
Kleng Informatik an
Handy, Webcam, PC, etc...
Ecotrel Asbl ass vum Ministère fir Ëmwelt, Klima an nohalteg Entwécklung agreéiert an organiséiert d’Sammlung an den Traitement vun Elektro- an Elektronesch Apparater zu Lëtzebuerg
« 2022 huet Ecotrel méi wéi 5000 Apparater am Kader vum Social ReUse Projet zeréckgeholl. Et ass wichteg ze ënnersträichen datt 89% vun den Apparater déi zeréckgeholl gi sinn, erëm op de Maart gesat gi sinn »
Andy Maxant
CEO Ecotrel
Wann Dir Froen hutt, ass eis FAQ do, fir déi ze beäntwerten. Sou vill Geheimnisser mat engem Klick geléist!
What is ‘Social ReUse’?
Social ReUse is a project initiated by Ecotrel in partnership with ‘resource centers’. The goal of this project is to encourage the repair and reuse of electronic and electrical devices, while promoting social integration.
For further information: https://www.ecotrel.lu/en/news/social-reuse
Can all devices be refurbished under the ‘Social ReUse’ program?
Unfortunately, not. Devices impossible to repair, obsolete or the one which consume too much energy cannot be refurbished. So drop them off at one of our ‘resource centers’, where they will be professionally recycled.
What happens once your device has been collected by your resource center?
Your device is sorted, dismantled, and depolluted in Luxembourg. Ferrous metals are reused in the steel industry, while copper, zinc and aluminum are transformed into cables and electronic components. Plastics, meanwhile, are transformed into useful parts for the industry.
But beware: some devices require special treatment. For example, ozone-depleting CFC gases will be removed from refrigerators. Polyurethane foam residues will be used to produce manufacture powder, which will be used as an absorbent agent for firefighters, and cathode ray screens will be stripped of their heavy metals for recycling.
For more information: https://www.ecotrel.lu/en/citizen/what-happens-to-waste-of-electrical-and-electronic-equipments
Can I give my device to any collector?
Under no circumstances should you hand over appliances to a collector without checking that he/she has a waste disposal permit from the relevant authorities.
This could be only a reason to make profits due to the high price of metals and raw materials. Ecological recycling cannot be guaranteed.
What about my old smartphone, computer or tablet?
IT devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops can be dropped off at a Social ReUse ‘diagnosis points’. Don't panic, all your personal data will be erased before these devices are reconditioned, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Afterwards, your devices will be given to the Digital Inclusion ASBL organization, which will distribute them to those who need a technological boost.
PS: don't forget to back up all your photos, videos, documents or other personal data on a hard drive or on your cloud.
How can I reduce my electrical waste?
First, we recommend you to sort your equipment. If you keep a flip phone for reasons of nostalgia, you might consider having it repaired or recycled (if it is too damaged). Whether or not you're a devotee of the Marie Kondō method, ask yourself if you really need to buy a new device. Maybe your old kettle still works just fine and doesn't need to be replaced with a model that makes coffee, tea and breakfast at the same time. And if you need a one shot device, you can always borrow one on this website.
Other initiatives are also present in Luxembourg: for the more DIY-minded among you, there are the famous Repair Cafés.
Square Mile Belval
11, Boulevard du Jazz
L-4370 Belvaux